We Only Represent Sellers

about-us-imgWe are Business Seller Representation Specialists and handle all of the necessary arrangements to assist our clients with the successful sale of their business. This includes professionally packaging the business and establishing a comprehensive database of potential buyers. Over the last 40 years, we have built extensive buyer databases, which we use to locate buyers for our client companies. In addition, we develop customized marketing plans for each company we represent. Also. included as part of our Seller Representation is the handling of the negotiations for sale that can maximize after-tax cash for our clients while minimizing the risks associated with taxes, confidentiality and legal issues. This includes being a liaison not only between the buyer and seller, but also with other advisers involved in the transaction including the lender, attorneys and CPA’s, as well as escrow.


How We are Compensated

We are a firm believer in Success Fees – we only receive compensation when the sale is successfully completed. Simply put, we only get paid when you get paid. While front-end fees are becoming common in the mergers and acquisitions industry, at ASG we believe that paying front-end fees (such as retainers, payment of expenses, valuation fees, consulting fees, advance payment of any form of compensation) to a business broker puts the seller in an unnecessary position of risk. What if the business broker does not perform as promised? With other intermediaries you may lose the up-front fees whether there is a sale or not. When ASG represents your business, you only pay us when the transaction closes having achieved your goals.